Books and Movies About Loss
Movies for Adults and Children
Watching a movie together may be helpful in educating children about death and dying, encouraging discussion and helping them identify with other children who have coped with loss. For example, a film like The Lion King may give children hope and help them understand the importance of supportive friends and family.
The following children's movies deal with death and dying:
- Charlotte's Web (G)
- Bridge to Terabithia (PG)
- Finding Nemo (G)
- Fly Away Home (PG)
- Free Willy (PG)
- Heidi (G)
- Ponette (Not Rated)
- Simon Birch (PG)
- The Lion King (G)
- The Boy with the Green Hair (Not Rated)
- The Cure (PG-13)
- The Secret Garden (G)
- The Horse Whisperer (PG-13)
- Whale Rider (PG-13)
Books on talking to children about illness:
- How to Help Children Through a Parent's Serious Illness, by Kathleen McCue
- A Tiny Boat at Sea, by Izetta Smith
- When a Parent Has Cancer, by Wendy Harpham
Books on talking to children about death:
- How Do We Tell the Children: A Step-By-Step Guide for Helping Children Two to Teen Cope When Someone Dies, by Dan Schaefer and Christine Lyons
- Helping Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One: A Guide for Grownups, by W. Kroen
- Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child, by E. Grollman
- Talking With Children About Loss, by Maria Trozzi
Children's books about death:
- Where are You? A Child's Book about Loss, by Laura Olivieri (ages 2–5)
- Someone I Love Is Sick: Helping Very Young Children Cope with Cancer in the Family, by Kathleen McCue (ages 2–5)
- When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death, by Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown (ages 4–8)
- Gentle Willow: A Story for Children About Dying, by Joyce C. Mills and Cary Pillo (ages 4–8)
Books for teens:
- The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and Their Friends, by H. Fitzgerald
- Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers: How to Cope with Losing Someone You Love, by E. Grollman
- When Will the Hurting Stop: Teens, Loss and Grief, by E. Myers
- When a Friend Dies: A Book for Teens about Grieving and Healing, by M. Gootman
Books for spouses and partners:
- Being a Widow, by Lynn Caine
- How to Survive the Loss of a Love, by Melba Colgrove, Harold Bloomfield and Peter McWilliams
- I'm Grieving As Fast As I Can: How Young Widows and Widowers Can Cope and Heal, by Linda Sones Feinberg
- When Your Spouse Dies, by Cathleen L. Curry
Books for adults:
- A Journey Through Grief, by Alla Renee Bozarth
- Courage to Grieve: Creative Living, Recovery and Growth Through Grief, by J. Tatelbaum
- Dying Well: The Prospect for Growth at the End of Life, by Ira Byock
- Grieving: How to Go on Living When Someone You Loves Dies, by Therese A. Rando
- How to Survive the Loss of a Love, by Melba Colgrove, Harold Bloomfield and Peter McWilliams
- I Don't Know What to Say: How to Help and Support Someone Who is Dying, by Robert Buckman
- What Helped Me When My Loved One Died, by Earl A. Grollman
- When Bad Things Happen to Good People, by Harold S. Kushner
- Why Me? Coping With Grief, Loss and Change, by Pesach Krauss
More Information
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